New England tour

A beau­ti­ful tour orga­nized by Jack Wright and Ben Ben­nett in New Eng­land.

Fr. 26/9 East­hamp­ton, MA Fly­wheel
Sat.27/9 Willa­man­tic Inter­scope Records, CT
Mon. 29/9 Low­ell, MA 119 Art Peo­ple Gallery
Tu. 30/9 Boston, MA Deep Thoughts Records
Wed 1/10, Con­cord, NH Kim­ball Jenk­ins estate
Thu. 2/10, Turn­ers Falls, MABrick House
Fr. 3/10, Burling­ton, VT Psy­che­del­i­catessen
Sat. 4/10, Brook­lyn, NY Soup and Sound House