A graphic novel inspired by artbooks, Out Side is a unique collaboration between two leading digital artists: K Allado-McDowell and Ilan Manouach. Together, the two construct an extraordinary pictorial story in the manner of a comic strip, combining the exacting clarity of Allado-McDowell’s post-internet vision with Manouach’s conceptual and formal depth. In the story, a young painter named Stone navigates the art world—meeting shady dealers and strange collectors—while pining for her long-lost parrot, Petey. Eventually, she finds her way into the upper echelons of technology, working as a VR designer. It is here that she discovers a conspiracy that will shake her understanding of reality itself. Blending layers of dreams, real life and simulation, Out Side explores the possibilities of storytelling with AI: creating a multiverse on the page that infiltrates our own mixed reality. .
Research:Echo Chamber Editorialization: Luca Reverdit Production assistance: Paul Comoretto Book design: Emma Zampieri Published by: France: JBE Books
196 pages | hardcover edition | CMYK | 2024 | 175mm x 248 mm