on Ilan Manouach


Moura, Pedro. ed. Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to His Conceptual Comics. Taylor & Francis, 2023.


Guibert, Xavier. “Ilan Manouach’s Critical Manifesto. Katz, Noirs & Tintin akei Kongo.” Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to his Conceptual Comics (2023). 


McCulloch, Joe. “Peanuts Minus Schulz,” The Comics Journal, May 20, 2021.


Grennan, Simon. “Ilan Manouach’s Abrégé de bande dessinée franco-belge: Ontography and the Past and Future of Stories.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2023. 24-44.


Sousa, Ana Matilde. “Whitewashing the Smudge: The politics of erasure and unreadability in Ilan Manouach’s Cascao.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge 45-63.


Conard, Sebastien. “How a UCO led to CoCos: understanding Ilan Manouach’s estranging hypercomics,” Colateral 89, July 2023.


Jooha, Kim. “Expanded Comics: The Conceptual Comics of Ilan Manouach,” The Comics Journal, May 18, 2021.


Kartalopoulos, Bill. “Ilan Manouach: Defamiliarizing Comics.” World Literature Today 90.2 (2016): 44-47.


Schneider, Greice. “The Void that Challenged Narrative: A Poetics of Emptiness in Riki Fermier.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2024. 64-75.


Ohrmer, Lorenz. “Replacing and Reorganizing: A Discursive Arc about Cultural Production.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2024. 76-93.


Crucifix, Benoît. “A chamber of echo: on the post-comics of Ilan Manouach.” Post-comics: beyond comics, illustration and the graphic novel. KASK School of Arts & Het Balanseer, 2020. 77-86.


Ahmed, Maaheen. “Reading Childly: Riki Fermier and Cascao 1.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2023. 97-111.


Alaniz, José. “Disability, Comics and the Shapereader.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2023. 112-129.


Postema, Barbara, and Ilan Manouach. ““The Hard Work of Programming Germinates Soft Pleasures”: Creating Synthetic Comics with AI Collaboration.” Critical Humanities 2.2 (2024): 156-165.


Hague, Ian. “Shapereader and the Limits of Touch.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2023. 130-144.


Moreno, Álvaro Pons, and Noelia Ibarra Rius. “Cuando el cómic se desborda: la exploración formal de Ilan Manouach y Martín Vitaliti.” Norba. Revista de Arte 44 (2024): 139-160.


Méndez, Miguel Peña.Fastwalkers de Ilan Manouach. La IA y el cómic conceptual: La IA y el cómic conceptual.” CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic 22 (2024): 161-179.


Küng, Moritz. “Blanco: On Blank and Illegible Books.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge 145-153.


Morvandiau. “Manouach Contrabandier: Countering Practices to Industrial Publishing.” Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to his Conceptual Comics. Routledge, 2024. 157-172.


Crucifix, Benoît. “Drawing, Redrawing, and Undrawing.” The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies (2020): 148.


Baetens, Jan. “Peanuts minus Schulz: Distributed Labor as a Compositional Practice/Le travail distribué comme pratique organisationnelle.”, Leonardo Journal (2021): 471-473.


da SR Carneiro, Maria Clara, and Lielson Zeni. “Ilan Manouach: The Comic Book Hacker.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2023. 225-239.


Postema, Barbara. “Haunted by Tradition: Ilan Manouach and the Ghosts of BD Past.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2024. 173-188.


Crucifix, Benoît. “[CoCo]: Conceptual Comics and Online Archives.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge 189-203.


Almeida, Hugo. “Para quê escrever uma resposta ao artigo de Ilan Manouach se a resposta se pode escrever a si mesma?”, Bandas Desenhadas, December 14, 2023.


Worden, Daniel. “Can Comics Think?: Automation on The Cubicle Island.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge, 2024. 204-224.


Löwenthal, Xavier. “Afterword: Like a Robot Bereft of Its function.” Ilan Manouach in Review. Routledge 240-242.