

AI Fictions. Paris: University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne nouvelle (2021)

International Conference on Computational Creativity (2021)

Comics & Censorship. Luzern: Hoghschule (2021)

Picture & Story Symposium. New York: New School of Parsons (2020)

NeurIPS. Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design (2020)

Normal Now: A Symposium on Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World. Stockholm: Stockholm University (2020)

Creative Explorations: From Social Entities to Ubiquitous Systems. Athens: British Council (2020)

Adversarial Hacking. Berlin: Transmediale (2020)

Avoir du Style Aujourdhui. Brussels: Maison de la Francité (2020)

Democracy and Art. Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia (2019)

Toda la Memoria del Mundo. San Sebastian: Tabakalera International Seminary of Film Archive (2019)

HackAthens. Athens: Onassis (2019)

International Comics Art Forum (ICAF). USA: Iowa (2019)

Artist talk. Chicago: School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2019)

Materialities of Comics. Aarhus: Aarhus University (2019)

Revolta en el comic. Barcelona: MACBA (2018)

Artist Talk. Sao Paulo: Museum of Image and Sound (2018)

Artist talk – Conceptual Comics. Seattle: Public Library (2016)

Introduction to Shapereader. Seattle: University of Washington (2016)

Conference on Conceptual Comics. Sao Paulo: Museum of Image and Sound (2016)

Artist Talk. Helsinki: Media MA Program Aalto University (2016)

Poetics of Algorithm. Liège: University of Liege (2016)

Artist talk. Tel Aviv: Print Screen Festival (2016)

Comics and Disabilities. New York: MoCCA (2014)

Plagiarism in Comics. New York: MoCCA (2014)

Picture & Story Symposium. New York: New School of Parsons (2014)

Artist talk. Jerusalem: Bezalel University (2014)