Spain & Portugal Exhaustion tour
Manouach & Kocher Exhaustion tour. Funded by Pro Helvetia and the Canton of Berne.
15.05 Lisbon, Zaratan
16.05 Montemor, Oficinas do Convento
17.05 Caldas da Rainha, Club Parqe
18.05 Porto, Sonoscopia
19.05 Pontevedra, Liceo Mutante
20.05 Coruna, Nave 1839
21.05 Azkoitia, Matadeixe
22.05 Bilbao, El Larraskito
23.05 Madrid, Cruce
24.05 Madrid, Naranjo
w/Javier Perez Arranda
26.05 Barcelona, IBA
10.06 Rennes, Speleographies
11.06 Le Havre, Pied Nu